Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spanish Senorita!!!

Ive decided despite my severe body dismorphia to go ahead and start taking photos of my outfits - almost daily and as I get more fit I will see the difference in how my outfits look as well. Right? Anywho, the dress I wore today is absolutely lovely - its by Fantasy Dressing and the shoes are by BCBG. My sweet and quirky sister Karina gave it to me and I appreciate it very much so! Makes me want to go salsa dancing (I wouldnt dare tho because I have 2 left feet). I did feel very pretty in it. :-) Because of the full circle skirt, as I swung by the broken sign faces at my work, i kept getting stuck or dragging the broken pieces along with me. Happened a good 2 - 3 times. Yowza!
P.S.I also learned how to use the timer on my camera and am trying to get the settings on it correct so that I can get the best/ most colorful/ crisp pictures anywhere I take photogs. These are not so great, but will do for now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sweet Little Lies

I suppose I lied about posting daily...  Its been an accident, however.  Our internet is a little squirly (ha, love that word.  its hilarious).  Sometimes the wireless router works/ sometimes it doesnt.  Its odd.  
Plus, I have not felt completely myself lately.  I have not felt like taking pictures of myself.  I've felt frumpy and unattractive.  I will take some nice pics when, first, I learn how to use the camera, and second, when Im comfortable with myself.  For now, please be satisfied with the beautiful finds I discover online.  Yes?  Ok.
Today, me and my sis Karina will be watching the new Miley Cyrus movie.  I dont see why people dont like the girl.  She is hilarious and sweet and down to earth.  I get confused with folks sometimes.  I will post more later....I have not been home so I need to take care of a few things.  Very important things.  Very.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Photos of my New Humble Abode

I adore my room.  Now that everything is set up, Im sure this is the room I'll be spending most time in.  Ive had this same mossy green color in all my bedrooms for about 3 years....I havent grown tired of it.  Most of my decor/ furniture is from West Elm.  Either on sale or second hand at a much cheaper price.  The display case I got off craigslist and repainted and made it to just about my favorite piece.  I'll be posting future projects and past projects that I'm proud of later on in my blogging life.  I plan on starting a side project where I beautify old pieces and resell them for reasonable prices.  There is a store in Dallas that I got my headboard at that does the same thing, but resells their pieces at crazy high prices.  I wont be doing that.  Its completely unfair.  I think I can do just as good or maybe better (more creative) than they can.  They paint their pieces white to be more shabby chic I suppose.  I got the guy that does the work to tell me where they purchased their amazing finds and zipped right out and found the mecca of all things amazing!  I bought about $200 worth of stuff that day for myself.  Great project pieces and others that are ready to go.  

Next few shots are of my living area.  I once again, love it.  Its cluttered but we went from a house of our own to 3 rooms.  Clutter makes me comfortable so Im happy with it.  Excuse the bad quality pictures...used my phone camera.  Still havent learned to use my better camera.  Plus I think I need a different lens to back out - wide angle maybe. 

These pictures of are my sweetie pie's bedroom.  He likes it, I think.  the color was actually an accident. Thats my bedroom color, but my dad was nice enough to start painting before I moved in, but in the wrong color.  Oh well.  It goes well with his dinosaur theme.

Great Beginnings

Im happy to say that Im finally done unpacking at my new place (the back part of my parents house).  It feels like my own since I have my own little living room, where I have included a mini fridge and a microwave.  I'm even going to display some of my glassware that Im sure my parents have no interest in putting in their kitchen.  I'll post pics shortly.  Im quite happy with the way it turned out.  Its colorful/ cluttered/ yet still has order (in my opinion).  I feel comfortable and happy there.  I felt so sad at first because I thought I'd be losing my, hmmm, independence I suppose/ my space/ my place in life.  Im 28 years old, for goodness sakes!  I should have my own space.  I feel like I do and my little guy, Sebastien is better off in life living here.  That I can definitely appreciate. 
Anywho, I woke up this morning to a very inspiring start.  I woke up to a couple journals my sister had collected from unknown folks (she goes to thrift stores/ estate sales alot).  I read one journal and boy does this guy have beautiful writing skills.  I could tell he is a major geek because his first story was about a vampire who finds love with a human woman and marries her.  They have a child and he falls in love with a girl that his dad must have in order to live (he vants to suck her blood).  Anyway, very well written.  After that, was a journal of each day his love left him and then the two re-uniting.  He mentioned locations around the city.  He is an IT guy who loves video games.  It was kind of neat and very sweet.  This guy was head over heels for this woman.  Would be nice to find something like that someday.
After this, I got the wireless router connected and decided to download some music I've been meaning to download for quite some time and then started my logo for this blog!  Yeah.  I must go now tho, Sebastien is done playing (we are at the McDonalds playground).  I'll post later.